News & UpdatES
Yo, everybody asking about the BORDER PEOPLE soundtrack. Here tis as a Spotify Playlist.
Great Review in the San Francisco Examiner of BORDER PEOPLE.
Nice feature by veteran Bay Area arts writer Edward Guthmann for the San Francisco Chronicle.
Piece I penned about updating THE REAL AMERICANS for it's DC and SF runs this Fall.
The updated version of "The Real Americans" hits Berkeley for a limited run Feb. 10-25th!
Smart, thoughtful review for the even more timely Real Americans in North Carolina.
Nice piece in the Santa Fe New Mexican about creation process of Each And Every Thing.
Great weekly tracker of never ending assaults on democracy and facts by #45 from @MotherJones and @markfollman
RT @ChrisMurphyCT: Now I get it. If the killer is an immigrant you can talk about policy change, but if he's natural born, you're "politicizing the tragedy".
.@danpfeiffer you'd dig this show! Last show in SF Friday @ILoveTheMarsh heads to DC @mosaic_theater next week.